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After the number of players exceeded 100 million in "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

Game Spinning Top 2024/07/08 11:27

In the past two weeks, I have really felt the vitality of the "summer file".

Whether it's the bombardment of new works in the second-game market, or the global momentum of single-player masterpieces, I think there will be no shortage of industry topics and observation perspectives this summer. On July 6, at an offline communication meeting that the author was invited to attend, it was suddenly announced that "Ace Warrior 2" would be tested in the early morning of the same day, and a fire was lit again, which completely activated the discussion heat of players across the network.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

The new FPS work "Ace Warrior 2" led by Tencent Rubik's Cube Studio Group has been directly played through the official website to download the Android version. After the actual experience, I believe that even if this summer file is full of masters and the follow-up competition pressure in the industry continues to rise, products like "Ace Warrior 2" will still have the power to fight: because it is trendy enough and sophisticated enough, the FPS thinking accumulated by the Rubik's Cube for many years will usher in another wave of concentrated outbreaks.

The "trump card" is back, but the sky has changed dramatically

In the summer of 2019, "Ace Warrior" launched by Tencent's Rubik's Cube Studio Group was all the rage.

This shooting mobile game relies on cool hero skills and refreshing shooting feel, which has attracted a lot of attention. I still remember that playing this kind of hero shooter on mobile phones at that time was still regarded as a false proposition by many players, but "Ace Warrior" gave an excellent solution and created a strong enough battle feedback to be called a good story.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

It can even be said that "Ace Warrior" did take the lead in the mobile track, which made enough players marvel - it turns out that you can really enjoy a gorgeous, high-speed shooting experience with hero mechanics on mobile phones.

This amazement, many people remember it now.

But the problem is that in just a few years, what was once a breakthrough has long become the daily routine today. Action, Shooter, Open World...... Now it seems that any category is not difficult to achieve on the mobile terminal, the technology has been iterated, the players are tricky, and the market has turned, "Ace Warrior 2" is not a little surprising Will the ace work in this year?

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

With some doubts, I also entered the game for the first time on the scene to experience, although it was not so surprising in the construction of the rules, but I have to say that whether it is the appearance or the feel, "Ace Warrior 2" still has some magic that makes the first person who sees it so excited that it trembles.

One is the shooting experience that all players will be concerned about.

After all, it is from the hands of the Rubik's Cube that has been groping in the FPS track for many years, "Ace Warrior 2" is still remarkable in the adjustment of the shooting feel, the shooting feedback of different firearms is relatively in place, and the shooting experience on the mobile terminal is also extremely restored to the classic FPS shooting feel, and players can often achieve better results against the enemy by flexibly using common FPS skills such as pressure gun and point shooting in actual combat.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

The overall gameplay of the game adopts the classic blasting mode, players are divided into offensive and defensive sides in the 5V5 confrontation, and the team that gets 9 points first wins, the rules are simple and easy to understand, old players don't need to teach, new players will look at it, it can be said that the entry threshold is minimized in the rules of gameplay - the complexity and heterogeneity of the rules are not the pursuit of this series.

The ideal "Ace Warrior 2" of the Rubik's Cube should be faster paced and more exciting - the sensory impact must be sufficient.

Therefore, in terms of TTK (Ti me To Kill) design, "Ace Warrior 2" is much shorter than its predecessor or other FPS mobile games, which means that the victory or defeat between players may be instantaneous. This requires a higher level of reaction speed and mastery of weapons and firearms, making the game faster paced and more exciting. But for players, it also means a lower margin for error.

At the same time, the rich selection of gun props and hero skill matching also provide a more in-depth tactical game for the game.

Characters such as Zhao Hailong and Li Zhengyu from a generation of "Ace Warriors" have returned to "Ace Warriors 2", and each of them has powerful skills that are very different from the generation. For example, Zhao Hailong, one of the protagonists familiar to a generation of players, although he is still the reckless king who likes to charge in "Ace Warrior 2", he can rely on his reconnaissance skills to quickly find out the location of the enemy in the point, and at the same time use the shock and explosion skill to quickly advance to defeat the enemy.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

In addition to the different skills, Ace Warrior 2 has a variety of different guns to choose from, such as pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, etc., and even some heroes have skills that replace the weapons they currently use. With the combination of marksmanship games and skill coordination of different guns, Ace Warrior 2 not only provides players with richer choices, but also adds more uncertainty to the battlefield.

In short, the core experience of the original generation is still effective, and it has kept up with the technical presentation and rhythm of the times, which is enough to make people get started.

The second is a breakthrough in audio-visual style.

The first generation of "Ace Warrior" was a ruthless character with beautiful graphics and dazzling characters, you must know that it is not easy to render the charm of the character in the FPS track, but the Rubik's Cube still does it.

The overall art style of "Ace Warrior 2" is more American, with tough character lines and retro colors, which has improved a lot in terms of stylization and recognition.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"Some of the characters are showcased

FPS games that revolve around characters must make sure that each character has enough memory points, which is not only about combat performance, but also around the story, positioning and even some small details, which may become the key to improving user stickiness.

Therefore, we can see that the character display interface of "Ace Warrior 2" does not use the widely popular card vertical painting display, but customizes a dormitory for each character according to their characteristics, and there are characters in the room to display the corresponding action behavior, which assists in the portrayal of the character image, which is unforgettable.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

In general, "Ace Warrior 2" reveals a sense of delicacy and agility both in terms of the core of the gameplay and the audio-visual presentation on the surface. With such a sudden start of testing, it is indeed surprising - in the current shooting game track, such a product full of personality is rare.

0 preheating directly open the test, how dare this?

So in the current era of always loving to roll up the propaganda to the sky, why does "Ace Warrior 2" dare to try 0 warm-up surprise test?

In addition to the confidence in the hard power of the product, I think more confidence actually comes from the fact that the Rubik's Cube studio group has gradually found its own position and irreplaceability on the FPS track.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

In terms of unique gameplay, they can use "Dark Zone Breakout" to iterate some hardcore basic rules into a "new generation of national FPS", in terms of audio-visual coolness and high-speed coolness, "Ace Warrior 2" also has a big DAU face. For the understanding and presentation of guns, the Rubik's Cube can be described as spicy and clever, and they can always use their strength to give surprises beyond expectations in the field where everyone has expected and imagined. This is a valuable brand thinking for a large category like FPS, which is somewhat lacking in vitality.

While polishing the gameplay, the Rubik's Cube also pays attention to the active performance of the operation, and "Ace Warrior 2" obviously comes with great sincerity.

At the communication meeting, "Ace Warrior 2" announced that it would unconditionally return all the recharge quota of players in the Ace Generation game in the game, which means that old players can choose the skin appearance they want to a certain extent when they enter "Ace Warrior 2". For IP fans, this attraction is not insignificant.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

In addition to the sincere operation activities, the ecology is also the old strength of the Rubik's Cube, and the efforts of "Dark Zone Breakout" in the dimensions of incubating KOLs and building a high-quality creative ecology are obvious to all in the industry.

As Tencent's new ace in shooting, "Ace Warrior 2" is not only on the classic track of e-sports shooting, but also has a character style that is loved by young people, and its ecosystem obviously has a lot of room for imagination. In this communication meeting, "Ace Warrior 2" gave its own general ecological layout and incentives for the future, mainly starting from the ecology of creators and e-sports.

The first is the "Ace Creator" Alliance, which mainly focuses on the creator level, and creates a creator ecology belonging to "Ace Warrior 2" through official traffic support, MCN joint construction, and exclusive prop sharing.

The second is the "Ace E-sports Ecology", which will combine global e-sports event operations, club-exclusive props and generous bonus incentives to build the e-sports ecology of "Ace Warrior 2".

It is foreseeable that these early planning at the ecological level will have a far-reaching impact on the iteration of gameplay content, brand image communication, and player community building. The multi-dimensional force inside and outside the game has long become a magic weapon of the Rubik's Cube.

Run wild on the road of "FPS for all".

Finally, we might as well take a look at the original protagonist of this communication meeting, "Dark Zone Breakout" - it is definitely the best example of the successful path of Rubik's Cube FPS.

Game Gyro, After the number of players exceeded 100 million "Dark Zone Breakout", the Rubik's Cube played another "trump card"

As a frequent visitor to Tencent's financial reports in the past two years, the development of "Dark Zone Breakout" can be described as coming in by leaps and bounds.

In terms of player growth, the number of registered users of the game exceeded 5,000w within 4 months of its launch, and the number of global users exceeded 80 million within 13 months of its launch. The news that the number of registered users nationwide exceeded 100 million at this communication meeting completely confirmed the brand value of "a new generation of national FPS".

Such a ferocious growth trend is obviously not only in the gameplay itself, but also in its attempts at the level of ecology and player culture construction, which is also worth paying attention to. Judging from the planning ideas given by "Ace Warrior 2" at this stage, this new work is likely to inherit the valuable experience accumulated by "Dark Zone Breakout", and where it can eventually lead the Rubik's Cube, you might as well start observing it today.


Did Ace Warrior 2 come out of nowhere? I think in terms of the current state and accumulation of the Rubik's Cube, the real "big move" may still be to come. I believe that products like "Dark Zone Breakout" and "Ace Warrior 2" cannot be ignored for the development of FPS tracks.

Just when we seriously analyzed that the tactical game category is not easy to promote, and the traditional battle FPS has come to an end, Rubik's Cube has already formed its own set of methodologies and product lines, overturning many stereotypical negative views on FPS. I would like to believe that no matter how far Ace Warrior 2 can go in the end, the Rubik's Cube has proved a truth: those seemingly seamless markets always have new horizons in front of a team with courage and aura.

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