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Station B's two-dimensional air combat mobile game "Slude" announced the suspension of operation

Game Grape 2024/07/03 21:16

Text/Liang Lotte

Today, Slude officially released an announcement, announcing that the game will be officially discontinued on October 9th. "Slude" is a two-dimensional + air combat shooting type game, developed and self-published by the Access! studio under Station B, the game announced its first PV in 2019, and got the version number in November 2020.

Before the open beta, the game went through a total of four rounds of testing, and some players described it as "like playing a new game every time", for example, in the fourth beta in July 2023, the game removed the "Z-axis movement", which allows players to only attack and dodge by moving left and right when controlling the character. At the strong request of players, the "Z-axis movement" was reinstated after the game was officially launched.

Game Grape, Station B's two-dimensional air combat mobile game "Slude" announced the suspension of operations

Station B four-test experience video

In August 2023, "Slude" will be officially launched. Although Bilibili announced it on its own platform, including the official launch of an exclusive incentive plan, animation and comics, the game's market performance is still poor: according to the statistics of Qimai data, on the day of its launch, "Slude" ranked 113th on the best-selling iOS game list, and rose to 104th the next day, and then fell out of the list in less than a week.

Game Grape, Station B's two-dimensional air combat mobile game "Slude" announced the suspension of operations

Since the beginning of this year, in addition to daily maintenance, the update of "Slud" has slowed down. In November last year, the official released 6 videos on station B, but so far this year, the account has only updated a total of 4 videos.

Game Grape, Station B's two-dimensional air combat mobile game "Slude" announced the suspension of operations

Now, when everyone's eyes are on Sluder again, it's time to say goodbye to the game.

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