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The Chinese people have made a real "meta-universe game"

and digital media 2024/06/20 13:40

Heshu Media, the Chinese people have made a real "meta-universe game"

Whether playing games or watching TV series, the plot of the protagonist needs to step by step from the novice village to the big stage, and then to clear the customs, everyone has to follow the steps according to the convention.

Heshu Media, the Chinese people have made a real "meta-universe game"

How can a novice be able to fight a boss as soon as he appears?

The scenery of the big world stage has to be unlocked step by step, and you can't read all the sails in one second!

But now, the UTONMOS fantasy world "Divine Thoughts Unbounded - Origin of Mountains and Seas" metaverse mobile game has completely broken the traditional ecological environment, players can become heroes in a short period of time after hard work, and the entire rivers and lakes are completely and thoroughly unfolded in front of everyone's eyes, which is also a game that truly realizes the form of the metaverse in China.

Heshu Media, the Chinese people have made a real "meta-universe game"

Let's not talk about how many achievements and honors the metaverse mobile game "Divine Thoughts Unbounded - Origin of Mountains and Seas" has been launched since its launch, just talk about the game threshold that hinders new players, create a new old player with new player mode, and completely cut the threshold!

The new "Fast Play" mode, after a new player creates a character, the new character can quickly enter the competitive gameplay through the novice story, dungeon battlefield, etc. You can even explore the whole world, and you can experience treasure chests, scenes and other interactions without thresholds.

Heshu Media, the Chinese people have made a real "meta-universe game"

The new system brought by UTONMOS "Divine Thoughts Unbounded - Originating Mountains and Seas" metaverse mobile game not only allows new players to get in touch with the game content faster, but also directly changes the gameplay and concept of MMO history.

There is no need to worry about the level gap that will bring a threshold, and the game is also very fast, "one second full level" is not a dream.

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