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World War II games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

Zhang Shule 2024/06/04 09:40

Zhang Shule is a columnist for People's Daily Online and People's Post and TelegraphThe game is not sold,ByteDance wants to "reproduce" perfection?

Summer is coming, how long will it take for Byte Games to arrive on the battlefield?

Zhang Shule, World War II Games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

On the 31st, ByteDance's game business officially announced important personnel adjustments through internal emails, and Zhang Yunfan, the former president of Perfect World's game business, was in charge of the game business as a whole.

This is another important official announcement of the byte game business since the announcement of the "return to incubation state" in March.

In addition, according to a report by LatePost, ByteDance has stopped selling its game business, which currently has an annual revenue of about 10 billion to 15 billion.

For comparison, Tencent's online game revenue in 2023 will be 179.9 billion yuan, and NetEase's game business revenue in 2023 will be 81.6 billion yuan, but both include domestic and foreign markets, and the current overseas market is growing faster.

The actual sales revenue of China's game industry in the domestic game market in 2023 will be 302.9 billion yuan.

Zhang Shule, World War II Games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

After Zhang Yunfan took office, the original mature business lines such as Oasis Studio, Jiangnan Studio, Youai Business Division, and Distribution Studio all reported to Zhang Yunfan.

In addition, the newly established Guangzhou studio and Shanghai studio also report to Zhang Yunfan.

The internal email, jointly signed by Hua Wei and Zhang Yunfan, announced that the game business would enter the "second phase"

ByteDance's gaming business brand Chaoxi Lightyear was founded in 2019.

In the past four years, "RO Ragnarok: The Birth of a New Generation" and "MARVEL SNAP", which have been released overseas, have performed well in terms of reputation and revenue, among which "MARVEL SNAP" won the 2022 TGA Best Mobile Game Award.

In the domestic market, "Crystal Nucleus", "One Piece Blood Route" and "Planet: Restart" have all achieved certain success.

Zhang Shule, World War II Games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

It is worth mentioning that the self-developed masterpiece "Crystal Nucleus" is considered to be the first self-developed "hit" in the light year, and it was in the top ten best-selling games in the App Store for nearly a month when it was launched.

In November 2023, Chaoxi Lightyear announced a large-scale business contraction.

On March 14, 2024, ByteDance issued an internal letter stating that it would re-incubate the game business and announced a series of organizational changes to the game business, including Hua Wei as the head of the game business, and Yan Zhi, the former head of the Chaoxi Lightyear business, to the company's finance department.

Zhang Yunfan, the head of the game business announced this time, is a serial entrepreneur in the Internet and game industry.

According to public information, in 2003, Zhang Yunfan founded China's earliest blog product NetEase Tribe, and later successively founded products such as Duo Game Network and 178 Game Network, joined Perfect World in 2013, and served as COO and President of Game Business of Perfect World in 2015.

In 2016, Zhang Yunfan was appointed as a director of Perfect World Holding Group and served as the CEO of the literary business.

Zhang Shule, World War II Games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

Judging from Zhang Yunfan's resume, can it help ByteDance make a breakthrough in the game business?

How should ByteDance seek a breakthrough in gaming?

With the summer season approaching, should ByteDance also do something?

In this regard, "China Times" reporter Yu Yujin and Shule had an exchange, and this monkey thought:

A professional manager can't change the general trend, only innovation is the "wall breaker".

Zhang Shule, World War II Games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

ByteDance needs the game business as a way for it to expand its boundaries and provide a new and efficient revenue conversion portal for platform traffic.

However, this reboot is not a resurrection in place, and may change the strategic direction on a large scale, from Tencent-style wide variety and thin income, to the direction of UGC games (user-generated content) triggered by NetEase's egg boy party.

In addition, judging from Zhang Yunfan's resume, he may also use the trial and error experience of Perfect World in the two fields of film and game linkage and game going overseas to provide reference for ByteDance's game development.

But innovation is more important.

Zhang Shule, World War II Games, how far is Byte from the peak of China

At this moment, ByteDance should still move towards accumulation, explore high-quality games, and conform to the general trend of UGC games, VR games and high-quality games, as well as the reproduction of its own successful experience in overseas e-sports games in China, rather than simply following the trend to make blockbusters.

As for the summer file, ByteDance should not be able to catch up.

Of course, instead of rushing to light up your muscles, it is better to practice your internal skills first, after all, with an income of 10 billion, there is still some distance from the front line in the Chinese game industry.

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