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Why can't there be no "hard control" anti-addiction?

Digital force fields 2024/05/31 07:35

Digital force field, why can't there be no "hard control" anti-addiction?

Text | She Zongming

The world's game industry is the strictest, and China's Internet industry is the strictest...... With the two "strictest" performances in anti-addiction, China's game industry has stepped out of the public opinion machine gun range with the sentence "is ruining the next generation" as the bullet.

So, can game companies go one step further in terms of uninsured?

Tencent, which was covered with hardcore anti-addiction Buff, replied with practical actions: Yes.

On May 29, Tencent Games officially announced the launch of the new protection function of "one-click blocking of strangers", and the four products of Honor of Kings, Peace Elite, Yuanmeng Star, and QQ Speed have completed the deployment of the "one-click blocking stranger" protection function.

"One-click" reflects the simplicity of operation, and "blocking" presents the method of implementation, which can provide users with options such as prohibiting strangers from teaming up, private chat, commenting, etc., "one-click blocking strangers", not to cut off the path for i-people players to find game partners, but to provide many users with a "don't be disturbed if you want to be disturbed" solution.

With the launch of Tencent's Tencent Growth Guardian platform outside the product side, underage players are only one step away from "Mom no longer worries about me being disturbed" - that is, parents can turn on the "one-click block stranger" function on the bound minor game account.

"One-click blocking of strangers" is not an isolated existence, but a re-reinforcement of the unprotected firewall: "one-click blocking of strangers" + "self-account management" + "green mobile phone reporting" + "one-click ban on playing and charging" The multi-pronged Tencent is equivalent to patting parents and throwing them the "four-piece set of anti-addiction management".

Interestingly, the "four-piece anti-addiction management set" is clearly oriented to the needs of parents. Under the circumstance that the hard control of the anti-addiction system has reached a high level, it is quite targeted to provide and upgrade convenient management tools for parents to prevent addiction, and introduce the anti-addiction into a strict and stricter "hard control" rhythm.


There are many ways to open the game: some people give it a high level, saying that it is the "ninth art" that integrates sound, light, color and art, some people probing its essence and saying that it is a super digital scene, and some people say that it is leisure after busy, and it is a pastime when you are bored.

But in the eyes of some parents, games are synonymous with the beast of the flood - under the one-dimensional evaluation system with addiction as the scale, a torture question of "will the child be hooked" can become the Achilles heel above the game's head.

This has led to a fragmentation of the perception of game externalities by several parties: many people will see the strategic significance and deep value of games, and think, "Without games, AI, cloud computing, autonomous driving, and AR/VR technology can develop so fast?" "Some parents see the strong immersion and strong interactivity of games to their children's attraction - for them, no matter how high the industrial value of games is, it may not have anything directly related to their immediate interests, but children playing games are related to their interests.

Considering the particularity of the issue of uninsured, the importance of anti-addiction is bound to be put forward. The new version of the Law on the Protection of Minors, which came into effect in June 2021, has a separate chapter on "Internet Protection", and in August 2021, the National Press and Publication Administration issued the "Strictest Anti-Addiction Regulations in History", both of which have clarified the attitude at the level of policies and regulations.

In the context of anti-addiction on the one hand, social conditions and public opinion, and corporate CSR, the game industry is also constantly improving the priority of anti-addiction.

With real-name authentication, facial recognition, and time-limited charging becoming industry standards, the problem of minors' addiction to online games has been effectively improved.

At the end of July last year, Zhang Yijun, the first vice chairman of the China Audio and Digital Association and chairman of the Game Working Committee, said at the ChinaJoy Forum that China has built the world's most advanced and efficient anti-addiction system as a whole, and relevant survey data shows that more than 80% of parents recognize the effectiveness of anti-addiction work at this stage; In December last year, the "2023 Progress Report on the Protection of Minors in China's Game Industry" released by the China Audio and Digital Association showed that the anti-addiction measures for games have achieved remarkable results, and the problem of excessive gaming by minors has been effectively improved.

As a result, there are very few voices in the arena of public opinion that associate games with the Flood Beast – not completely extinct, but at least they have become rare.

Rao is so, the percentage other than "more than 80% of parents" suggests that there is still room for improvement in the game.


In this context, Tencent is still strengthening the "hard control" type of anti-addiction, and through the "anti-addiction management four-piece set" to help parents more effectively exercise the right to supervise minors' healthy games, which is quite interesting.

It must be seen that in the past two years, on the topic of anti-addiction, the views of "family is the first line of defense against addiction" and "family education is the most important barrier against addiction" have become popular.

The situation behind this is: game addiction prevention needs family, school, enterprise, and government to co-govern, and now the responsibility of game companies in the "co-governance" system is gradually complete, and domestic game addiction prevention has entered a new stage of focus from building a "firewall" on the platform to a new stage of collaboration between home and school. The importance of the family in the prevention of addiction is becoming more and more prominent.

It's just that in contrast to the fact that parents are highly sensitive to the problem of their children's games, many parents drop the chain on the "first line of defense", and the family has become a weak link in the prevention of addiction.

No matter how tight the defense system is, it has to rely on the implementation of "people" at the end. Parents who are in the "first scene" of their children's games should do a good job of demonstration and supervision. Psychologist Zeng Qifeng said: "There is no home remedy for children's growth, there is only a stable and healthy soil provided by responsible parents." ”

But parents also have their own difficulties. It is not excluded that some parents like to be the shopkeeper, but there are still some parents who are more than willing and not enough.

Parents often have multiple social roles: at home, they are parents; In the workplace, they may be employees. The pressure of raising a family and the requirement of taking care of the baby are often incompatible. In the common situation that "children are mainly taken care of by the elderly", it may not be realistic for them to take care of their children at any time, not to mention that some parents do not know much about the Internet.

Therefore, anti-addiction is an industry problem, a family problem, and a social problem - it is often entangled with the living situation of contemporary people and workplace pressure. In the past, the "temperature difference" between some parents and game companies in the perception of anti-addiction is also related to this: game companies feel that they have done enough, but some parents think that the society has not shared enough for them.

This is precisely the difficulty of game addiction: under ideal circumstances, enterprises and parents should do their part, but under realistic conditions, the complexity of the specific situation must be taken into account, if not all parents have the conditions to keep an eye on their children, so that they can fulfill their due guardianship and care responsibilities will fall into the embarrassment of "ideal plump, realistic skinny".

Tencent's solution to the problem is: use the subtraction method in the operation process to bring the division of the difficulty of parental supervision, and pull the threshold for parents to participate in anti-addiction management lower, lower, and lower, and exchange their peace of mind with technical intentions and their peace of mind with intimate service.

When parents face the problem of fulfilling their responsibilities under the framework of "each doing their part", it is easier for enterprises to do their own things and make it easier for parents to do their own things, which is actually to use service extension to fill the gaps in the "uninsured concentric circles".


The "four-piece anti-addiction management set" reflects this point obviously: parents face many problems in taking care of their children? It embeds more service thinking in product thinking, and also jumps out of the corporate perspective to replace more parents' perspectives, helping parents control their children's gaming behavior more conveniently from multiple dimensions such as game time, consumption, social networking, and content.

To prevent addiction, you need more "one-click (station)" options.

The child may top up krypton without the parent's knowledge. Set up "one-click ban on playing and charging", and the problem will be solved.

To prevent addiction, it is also necessary to prevent children from bypassing anti-addiction actions.

After the implementation of the "duration + time period" double time limit in the strictest anti-addiction regulations, some children will use their parents' or relatives' and friends' accounts to break through the game time limit. "Self-account management" and "green mobile phone reporting" expand the control scenarios on the parent side.

Through "self-account management", parents can limit the game time/consumption of their own accounts, so as to prevent their children from over-entertaining and spending while they do not spare their own accounts; Through "Green Phone Report", parents can also list the accounts of friends and relatives to prevent their children from using their accounts to play games.

The newly launched "one-click block of strangers" is also targeted.

Digital force field, why can't there be no "hard control" anti-addiction?

▲ "One-click block of strangers" can provide users with options such as prohibiting strangers from teaming, private chatting, and commenting.

In this way, even if parents are not "present" at some times, it does not affect their effective control of their children's gaming behavior.

At a time when the age of minors accessing the Internet continues to decrease and the "digital divide" between parents and children is widening, parents who can't keep up with their children's Internet ability will still be blind, what should we do?

In addition to lowering the threshold for the use of anti-addiction tools, Tencent has specially prepared a "Parent Service Assistant" for parents, and pioneered the one-stop service model of "AI self-service + artificial video" in the industry: parents want a game time/recharge control solution that is "suitable for their children's physique", it can provide online video services within 24 hours at the earliest, and answer questions one-on-one.

It can be understood in this way: the parent is Party A, and the "Parent Service Assistant" is Party B, mainly providing personalized solutions for Party A. By the end of last year, Tencent Parent Service Assistant had recommended control solutions for 1.5 million parents, and more than 7,500 families had provided one-on-one professional guidance, which was recognized by 99% of parent users.

Originally, parents controlled their children's games to be surrounded and blocked, but Tencent compressed it into a "one-click (station)-style" operation - this is not only to make themselves in place, but also to help parents complete the role of "filling".

With attentive and considerate measures to promote parents and enterprises to move in the same direction on the uninsured, the effect of 1+1>2 will be more expected.


Continuing to add in the direction of leaving no dead ends in the "hard control" anti-addiction is undoubtedly Tencent's self-pressure.

In 2017, Tencent launched China's first system solution for minors' healthy games, "Tencent Growth Guardian". It also launched the first mobile game anti-addiction system in the game industry at that time, which was spontaneously launched by an enterprise - "Tencent Health System".

"Anti-addiction management four-piece set", no channel service, real name verification to all users, zero point cruise to all-day cruise, directional enhancement of suspicious situation interception capabilities, strengthen shared equipment detection, face voice broadcast & text double prompt, financial-level face recognition verification strategy...... Tencent, which has built an increasingly strict protection system of "before-during-after" protection, provides a reference model for the Internet uninsured.

In the long run, the proposition of "digital health" is no longer covered by game addiction, and what is needed is to direct children's attention to a wide range of social practices.

Zheng Lei, the person in charge of Tencent's uninsured system, previously said that in order to do a good job in the protection of minors, it is necessary to promote the concept of combining dredging and blocking, using a technical "microscope" to prevent addiction, and a "telescope" of love to guard.

Through projects such as "Wisdom and Sports Double Hundred" to explore constructive solutions, provide support for urban and rural children in science, education and sports, and guide children to open up a broader space outside the mobile phone screen, it jumps out of the limitation of "watching the uninsured in games", and also transcends the restrictivism and annotates "guarding with the telescope of love".

Product + service + grooming, building a deep and progressive uninsured system.

As a systematic project related to the physical and mental health of minors, what is needed is the systematization and long-term effectiveness of the uninsured measures.

And this kind of systematization and long-term effect is inseparable from the consciousness of the head enterprise - to drive the improvement of the anti-addiction level of the whole industry with a system design that exceeds the industry standard, which is the important task imposed on the head of the head enterprise with the creed of "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility".

Behind the conscious responsibility is investment. However, combined with the significance of uninsured bearing, these investments will never be a "sunk cost".


A game cannot be without anti-addiction, but anti-addiction is not a game, it is a tough battle, and it is also a protracted battle.

The addition and subtraction of the uninsured dimension - using the anti-addiction system to "hard control" the child's game behavior, and using constructive solutions to expand his interests and hobbies, focuses on the systematization and long-term effect of holding up the uninsured.

From the perspective of "long-termism", enterprises need to go beyond the "passive response" mode and do this "difficult but correct" thing better.

The grand narrative of the uninsured is integrated into the fine-grained soil of reality, which should be "better" in details, so that the product is more perfect and the service is more comprehensive.

Now, the game industry continues to take steps in product and service innovation, promoting game addiction prevention to break through the "upper limit of the threshold", and driving the network to a new level.

This is obviously a good thing: when the game industry is still moving towards "N+1" after going out of the uninsured road of "0 to 1 and from 1 to N", the construction of China's Internet uninsured mechanism can also go faster "from 0 to 1 to N". After all, there are already games in front of you, and you can cross the river by feeling the stones.

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